The State of Developer Education
Open Source Models and Developer Education with Jacob Marks of Voxel51
December 21, 2023
In this episode, Jon talks to Jacob Marks, Machine Learning Engineer and Developer Evangelist at Voxel51, whose background is rooted in scientific research having formally been a Ph.D. resident at X the moonshot factory. In this episode, Jacob and Jon unpack the current hype surrounding the implementation of AI in computer vision and software development, assessing its current impact on the industry. Join them as discuss the importance of practical and interactive learning resources and the benefits of contributing to open-source projects.
Open Source Models and Developer Education with Jacob Marks of Voxel51

In this episode, Jon talks to Jacob Marks, Machine Learning Engineer and Developer Evangelist at Voxel51, whose background is rooted in scientific research having formally been a Ph.D. resident at X the moonshot factory. 

In this episode, Jacob and Jon unpack the current hype surrounding the implementation of AI in computer vision and software development, assessing its current impact on the industry. Join them as discuss the importance of practical and interactive learning resources and the benefits of contributing to open-source projects.


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