The State of Developer Education
The Transferable Skills of a Developer with Sean Falconer, Head of Marketing at Skyflow
May 18, 2023
In this episode, Sean Falconer, Head of Marketing and Developer Relations at Skyflow, joins us to discuss just how transferable the skills of a developer are, as well as the trials and tribulations of running a startup company.
In this episode of the State of Developer Education podcast, Jon speaks with Sean Falconer, Head of Marketing and Developer Relations at Skyflow, a data privacy vault delivered as a simple and elegant API, transforming the way businesses handle their users’ financial, healthcare and other personal data. He is also the host of the Software Daily Podcast, and previously worked at Google as the Business Communications Developer Relations Lead.

They dive headfirst into the trials and tribulations of beginning a startup company; the transferable skills a developer acquires from their job; the importance of basic theoretical knowledge in coding; the difference between the various educational bodies in coding; and why you should always learn from your mistakes

Episode resources

Sean’s LinkedIn
Software Daily Podcast

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