The State of Developer Education
Which Department Does DevRel Really Belong to? With Trey Botard, Developer Advocate at Atomic
May 11, 2023
In this episode, Trey Botard, Developer Advocate at Atomic, joins us to discuss how tech and coding can help a lot of people’s problems, especially in the workplace and why your documentation may be the lynchpin to your product.
In this episode of the State of Developer Education podcast, Jon speaks with Trey Botard, Developer Advocate at Atomic, the trusted way for people to connect their payroll accounts to an app. Before his role at Atomic, Trey was a Full-Stack Developer and Developer Advocate at Fluree. He was an Application Architect at Signature Consultants,  was also an Application Developer at Volvo Group.

Together, they discuss how tech can solve people’s problems (especially in the workplace), why you should always optimize and see the value in your work, the importance of cleaning up your documentation so users aren’t put off by your product, and which department a DevRel belongs to.

Episode resources

Trey’s LinkedIn
Signature Consultants

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