The State of Developer Education
From Self-Taught to Open Source: Navigating the Developer Landscape with Jacob Herrington, Product Manager at Walmart
September 21, 2023
On this week’s episode, Jon talks to Jacob Herrington about his unconventional journey from a self-taught developer and college drop-out to a Product Manager at Walmart. Their discussion touches upon the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a non-linear path into the world of software engineering, the impact open-source had on Jacob’s developer journey, and how the rise of tech communities is dismantling the systemic privileges that previously churned out “white-tech dudes”.
On this week’s episode, Jon talks to Jacob Herrington about his unconventional journey from a self-taught developer and college drop-out to a Product Manager at Walmart. Their discussion touches upon the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a non-linear path into the world of software engineering, the impact open-source had on Jacob’s developer journey, and how the rise of tech communities is dismantling the systemic privileges that previously churned out “white-tech dudes”.


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